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Vision Riders 2009 Annual Character Poll

It's that time again! The third annual character poll is here! We're doing things a little differently this year, but it's still pretty simple. Instead of just selecting your favorite character, this time you need to rate each character a score from 1 to 5, with 5 being the best. Check the chart below and score each character accordingly. Something nice might happen to the character that gets the highest score...


5 This is one of your favorite characters in the story.
4 You like this character.
3 This character is okay, but nothing special.
2 You don't particularly care for this character.
1 You really dislike—maybe even hate—this character.


If you've forgotten who a character is, you can click on their name and one of the pages they appear in will pop up.


Please type in the third word from the first paragraph on this page so that we know you're not a spambot.

We get a lot of those whenever we put up a survey. :(